Wednesday, 19 June 2013


Image Sourced from

As most of you may have heard, the Italian design duo, Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, have been undergoing trail over the last couple of days about an alleged tax evasion scheme they carried out back in 2004 when the brand sold its signature to the company Gado Srl. 

The case was dropped back then when it was ruled that there wasn't enough evidence to charge them but as today shows, the Italian forces continued to dig, and in today's court appearance Domenico and Stefano were sentenced to a year and eight months in prison alongside Domenico's brother, Alfonso; Finance Director, Guiseppe Minoni and Accountant, Luciano Patelli.

Following this there has been a lot of speculation as to how this unfortunate incident may affect the brand, from appearances at the fashion shows over the next few seasons and also the overall image of the designers.


Dear Reader,

Hello and welcome to Fashion Suit. I'm Emmanuel Robert and I am a 19 year old photographer based in England. This blog is to express my personal style as well as other interests within the industry; I hope you enjoy this journey and gain from it something worthwhile, feel free to ask questions and contribute and please take no offence to what i post on here as it will be of personal opinion.

Much Love, Fashion Suit.